Housing Authority Qualifications For Section 8 Vouchers Keasbey, NJ

Public Housing Authority Determines Qualifications

Income may not exceed 50% of the median income from the table below. The Housing Authority must provide 75 percent of vouchers to those whose income does not exceed 30% of the median income listed below.

Income Limits in Keasbey, New Jersey.

HUD Designated Metro Area: Income Limits

2022Median Family Income2022 Yearly Income Limit2022 Yearly Income Limit - Person(s) in Family
Income LimitsCategory12345
Middlesex County, NJ$135,600Very Low Income (50%)$47,500$54,250$61,050$67,800$73,250
Extremely Low Income (30%)$28,500$32,600$36,650$40,700$44,000
Low Income (80%) $63,000$72,000$81,000$90,000$97,200

Middlesex County Public Housing Authorities

Including , the other Public Housing Authorities in Middlesex County are listed below.

Woodbridge Housing Authority

Woodbridge, NJ - 07095
Middlesex County
Phone Number: (732) 634-2750
Email: donnabrightman@hotmail.com
Keasbey Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 932
Keasbey Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 931
Keasbey Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 932
Number of Children residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 475
Seniors residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 32.05% of all aparments are for seniors.
Disbled residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 11.37% of all aparments are for disabled.
Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Keasbey: $15,672.00 average per year for current residents.

Carteret Housing Authority

96 Roosevelt Ave
Carteret, NJ - 07008
Middlesex County
Phone Number: (732) 541-6800
Total Units: 74
Keasbey Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 642
Keasbey Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 573
Keasbey Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 692
Keasbey Public Housing Occupied Apartments: 50
Number of Children residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 455
Seniors residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 18.25% of all aparments are for seniors.
Disbled residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 9.16% of all aparments are for disabled.
Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Keasbey: $14,016.00 average per year for current residents.

New Brunswick Housing Authority

7 Van Dyke Ave
New Brunswick, NJ - 08901
Middlesex County
Phone Number: (732) 745-5157
Email: jclarke@nbnjha.org
Total Units: 285
Keasbey Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 1016
Keasbey Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 912
Keasbey Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 1301
Keasbey Public Housing Occupied Apartments: 273
Number of Children residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 710
Seniors residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 16.81% of all aparments are for seniors.
Disbled residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 5.22% of all aparments are for disabled.
Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Keasbey: $16,326.00 average per year for current residents.

Highland Park Housing Authority

242 S 6th Ave
Highland Park, NJ - 08904
Middlesex County
Phone Number: (732) 572-4420
Email: hphanj@optimum.net
Keasbey Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 269
Keasbey Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 240
Keasbey Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 269
Number of Children residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 28
Seniors residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 52.46% of all aparments are for seniors.
Disbled residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 17.05% of all aparments are for disabled.
Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Keasbey: $14,596.00 average per year for current residents.

Edison Housing Authority

14 Rev Samuel Carpenter Blvd
Edison, NJ - 08820
Middlesex County
Phone Number: (908) 561-2525
Email: DHurley@edisonha.org
Total Units: 159
Keasbey Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 375
Keasbey Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 292
Keasbey Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 534
Keasbey Public Housing Occupied Apartments: 151
Number of Children residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 437
Seniors residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 12.40% of all aparments are for seniors.
Disbled residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 6.63% of all aparments are for disabled.
Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Keasbey: $19,223.00 average per year for current residents.

Old Bridge Housing Authority

2000 Route 18 N Ste 100
Old Bridge, NJ - 08857
Middlesex County
Phone Number: (732) 607-6383
Email: CHAERIC@aol.com
Keasbey Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 204
Keasbey Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 198
Keasbey Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 204
Number of Children residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 37
Seniors residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 44.48% of all aparments are for seniors.
Disbled residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 14.95% of all aparments are for disabled.
Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Keasbey: $15,370.00 average per year for current residents.

Perth Amboy Housing Authority

881 Amboy Ave
Perth Amboy, NJ - 08861
Middlesex County
Phone Number: (732) 826-3110
Email: ddzema@perthamboyha.org
Total Units: 84
Keasbey Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 1280
Keasbey Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 1278
Keasbey Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 1311
Keasbey Public Housing Occupied Apartments: 31
Number of Children residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 574
Seniors residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 31.98% of all aparments are for seniors.
Disbled residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 10.91% of all aparments are for disabled.
Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Keasbey: $14,924.00 average per year for current residents.

Sayreville Housing Authority

650 Washington Rd
Sayreville, NJ - 08872
Middlesex County
Phone Number: (732) 721-8044
Email: HAPAdoug@aol.com
Keasbey Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 174
Keasbey Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 171
Keasbey Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 174
Number of Children residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 130
Seniors residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 15.84% of all aparments are for seniors.
Disbled residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 10.86% of all aparments are for disabled.
Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Keasbey: $17,674.00 average per year for current residents.

South Amboy Housing Authority

250 S Broadway
South Amboy, NJ - 08879
Middlesex County
Phone Number: (732) 721-1831
Email: soamboyha@aol.com
Total Units: 152
Keasbey Housing Authority Section 8 Aparments: 111
Keasbey Section 8 Occupied Apartments for Housing Authority: 101
Keasbey Public Housing Total Apartments For Housing Authority: 263
Keasbey Public Housing Occupied Apartments: 129
Number of Children residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 104
Seniors residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 30.17% of all aparments are for seniors.
Disbled residing in Keasbey Public Housing: 7.60% of all aparments are for disabled.
Median Income for those on section 8 living in public housing in Keasbey: $17,316.00 average per year for current residents.

About our Data

Our data is collected from local housing authorities as listed on the website along with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

How do Housing Authority Qualfications Work?

Qualify for Public Housing and Income Based Housing are based on the local housing authority guidelines along with HUD rules. That is why it is necessary to contact the housing authorities directly for local information for housing.